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- Book Reading Machine
- Robo Rodentia
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About me
Short Summary of Projects and Accomplishments:
'04-'07: Software Entrepreneur: Togoware.com
Designed, built, and launched a fast, simple to use and well received software that converts jpeg images into a photo album collection formatted for the the RCA e-book. The software creates hyper-linked index thumbnails to easily navigate through the images.
Research and Studies in:
Programming languages: Python, Ruby, C#, Actionscript, Javascript, Groovy
Web Applications development: Rails, Flex, Django
Digital Image Processing: Theory and Techniques
Artificial Intelligence: Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
Game Physics: Game Physics and Collision Detection
'02-'04: Computer Science, M.S., CalPoly Pomona, CA (pending)
Wrote papers on: Digital Image Processing, Complex Adaptive Systems, Go Game Expert, Parallel Algorithms
'01-'02: Software Design Engineer, Alcatel USA, Petaluma, CA
Designed and built firmware for a new network switch
'98-'00: Senior Electrical Design Engineer, Alcatel USA, Petaluma, CA
Core FPGA hardware logic designer of the Ingress Cell Processor for the DSL over ATM switch
1997: Computer Engineering B.S. degree, CalPoly State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
1997: Senior Project: The Book Reading Machine, CalPoly San Luis Obispo, CA
1997: Software Consultant at Logic Plus, Arroyo Grande, CA
Designed the backup telemetry system for a government blimp surveillance project
1996: Robo Rodentia Project, CalPoly San Luis Obispo, CA
Current Residence:
the beautiful San Francisco, CA